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Indoor Car Boot Details & Booking Form

Our first Car Boot Sale will be on the Sunday 30th April from 11am till 3pm

Stall holders setup time 9am (no setting up after 10am). Clear up by 3pm. Please download booking form for more details.

You can sign the booking form on the day as long as payment has been made and you are aware of the Terms and Conditions (see below)

For further information please ring Christine on 07762102470

Indoor Car Boot Sale booking form and T&C

Restircted items

Stallholders shall not offer for sale any

  1. hazardous goods

  2. electrical goods

  3. weapons

  4. alcohol

  5. tobacco

  6. vape related items

  7. pornography

  8. drug related goods

  9. stolen goods

  10. food

  11. uncooked food

  12. homemade food, or drinks

  13. any type of animal

  14. no stall shall contain more than 50% new goods.

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